Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mac's 9 month post...way late!

Mac celebrated 9 months on January 20th and I'm just now posting this on 2/12. It is hard to believe that in 2.5 month my little man will be one! 9 was another tough month with weight loss and sickness that hit our house again but I'm happy to report that we are all back on the mend!!!

Here are Mac's 9 month stats -

Weight - 16lbs 11ozs (17 lbs 8 ozs as of 2/7)
Height - 27 3/4
Head Circ - 16 1/4

And for comparison here are his 6 month stats -

Weight - 16lbs 6ozs
Length - 25 3/4 inches
Head Circ - 16

I hate to show this comparison b/c when he got the devil flu he dropped a lot of weight and he is still not back to where he was before he got sick BUT I took him for a weight check on 2/7 and he had gained almost a pound since his 9 month appointment two weeks before so the doc signed off on his weight and I'm HOPING and PRAYING that we are finally on the road to recovery!!!

It is crazy how much Mac has changed. Even in the last two weeks. My little boy that never wanted to roll now is a rolling machine. He first rolled on 10/7. He rolled from his tummy to his back. It took months before anyone saw it again and even then it was only once every month or so and he never rolled from back to tummy. Well that has all changed as of last night (2/11). He now rolls and rolls. He no longer likes to be on his back and as soon as he is done with his bottle he wiggles out of the boppy and rolls on his tummy and up on all fours.

Speaking of all fours he has been rocking on all fours and "crawling" backwards for weeks. He still hasn't figured out how to move forward but it is coming. He gets so frustrated when he is trying to get a toy or the dog and he keeps moving further away!!!

Even in the middle of cutting 3 teeth (yes, three at ONE TIME!) he is still so happy and so much fun! The picture below says it all! He is always smiling, laughing and making his mommy and daddy laugh. We are so blessed. WE LOVE YOU McALISTER AUSTIN CHILES!