Monday, December 26, 2011


Mac went to meet Santa on Saturday 12/3. To say he loved him is putting it lightly. I know most kids are not big fans of Santa the first time they meet him but Mac didn't seem to have a problem!
This is the picture we used for our 2011 Christmas card! I love that he is holding on to Santa finger!
Sweet Boy!
Look at that Smile...our own little Chris Kringle!
Santa was pretty fond of him as well. I'm sure we will get plenty of crying pictures but I'm happy to have at least one where he is smiling!!

Christmas Catch Up Part 1

The day before the devil flu hit the Chiles house we did make it out to pick out our first family of three Christmas tree. I have been thinking about this day for a while. Grant and I always get our tree the day after Thanksgiving but this year we had to push it back a day b/c of the Macster not feeling well (little did we know). So we got up the Saturday after Thanksgiving and headed out to get our tree.
Right now Grant and I both drive sedans, this will be changing b/c it is impossible to transport all of our stuff, Mac's stuff plus the dogs! Luckily Grant is restoring his Papa's old truck so he was able to drive it to get the tree while Mac and I followed behind in safer vehicle :)
We have always bought our tree at Lowe's and this year was no different. I would eventually like to go to a tree farm and cut down our own but that won't be until Mac gets a little bit older. The last few years we have actually gone home with the first tree that we pick out, we look at others but always come back to the first one. The same thing happened this was nice!

Here is daddy and Mac in the old truck...not sure if you can tell but the seat is covered in a yellow and brown plaid...fancy!

The Chiles Family of Three Christmas Tree!!!!
Christmas Catch Up Part 2 will cover Christmas in WR, Christmas Morning and Christmas with the Chiles....stay tuned!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Devil Flu....

As fun as Thanksgiving was the week following was HELL. It all started Friday morning. When I went into Mac's room to get him up I noticed he has thrown up all over himself and his crib. It wasn't a LARGE amount so I fed him and 10 minutes later he did it again. This continued all day Friday and Saturday. Just as I was thinking it was passing he would get sick again. I called the doctor Saturday morning and they told me as long as he is having wet diapers not to worry. It was probably a virus and it could last up to 10 DAYS!!! Honestly at this point I just figured it would pass and all would be fine. Well Saturday afternoon it hit Grant. I was at Micheal's buying Christmas decorations when he called and told me I needed to get home. About an hour after I got home it hit me. All 3 of us sick at one time...AWFUL. I could barely take care of myself so taking care of Mac took everything we had left. At this point Mac wasn't eating or drinking. We couldn't get him to keep down pedialite and we noticed that he wasn't wetting his diapers and he was crying with no tears. I called the on call nurse at Children's around 2am and we were told to bring him in immediately. Long story short getting him to the hospital was the toughest part. Grant and I both were so sick. Once we got there they decided they were going to go ahead and put in a line to take blood and just in case he needed fluids they wouldn't have to stick him again. They couldn't get it after 3 tries so they pricked his foot to test his levels. He wasn't dehydrated yet but was VERY CLOSE so they decided to go ahead and give him fluids. Thankfully they got his line started this time on the first try so all in all he was poked 5 times...I felt so bad for my baby!!!! The staff at Children's was AMAZING! They told us we looked so bad and they felt sorry for us so they pulled in an extra bed in Mac's room so we could sleep while he was getting his fluids. After 6 long hours in the ER we were released to go home. I thought the battle was over. We all three slept for 5 hours once we got home. Grant and I were feeling better compared to how we felt but we were still not anywhere close to 100%. Neither one of us was feeling well enough to go to work so we stayed home. Mac was still throwing up and I was getting worried. Finally on Tuesday I called the doctor and told them I needed to bring him in that I was worried he wasn't eating and I was nervous about his weight. Well call it mother's instinct but I was correct. He had lost 1lb and 6 ounces. They sent me home with two medicines and I had to bring him back two days later for a weight check. The anti nausea medicine was working but he was still only eating 2-4 ounces at a time compared to the 8 he was eating before he got sick. When I took him back on Thursday he had only gained 2 ounces. I was told to bring him back on Monday for another weight check. He gained another 2 ounces and they sent me home with reflux medicine. At this point he was done throwing up and the doctors were happy with his 4oz weight gain. I'm taking him back one more time this upcoming Friday for a final weight check. With all of this sickness with Mac and myself my supply was shot. We ended up having to give Mac a few ounces of Formula on 12/7. As sad as it made me I'm happy that he is gaining weight. I'm hoping for a happy and healthy December!!

Here is my sweet boy before hey started poking him!

This is a terrible picture but he was so sleepy once they gave him the fluids that he slept on my chest the entire time.

As thankful as I am for everyone at Children's I hope I never have to go there again! Thankfully the Macster is back to his cheerful fat little self and we couldn't be happier!!



We had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!!! For the past 7 years Grant and I have hosted Thanksgiving at our house for both sides of our family! As crazy as it is getting everything together and cramming 16 people in our house it is a great time! It is strange to think that this time last year we were revealing that our little bundle was a boy and this year he was here to celebrate with us!!
My mom, dad, brother and nephew

Grant's Mom, Dad, Sister and Bother in-law

Grant always fries and Turkey and it is DELISH! I was trying to take a picture of the Grant and the Turkey but he was not participating so my Mom did :)

Mac and Arleen. She is finally starting to come around!

Mac in his Turkey Shirt!

Mac and his BFF Greta! He LOVES her....

Family Photo!

Micheal, Daniella and Jason. Micheal is Eve's boss and they are from Germany. They have joined us for the last 4 years!

Next year Mac will be able to enjoy all the yummy food. I can't wait!

7 months

Mac celebrated 7 months on November 20th...yeah I know I'm late. Let's just say a lot happened after this and it was not pretty but that is a different post!
Mac is growing like crazy! He is wearing 9 months and up in clothes and he is almost in a size 3 diaper ( we have a few more twos left!). I finally witness him ROLL this month (11/28) but he is still not rolling consistently. He will turn all the way on his side and then just flop back over. I'm pretty sure he thinks rolling is for babies so he is too good for that milestone :). He is trying VERY hard to get his knees under him when he is on his tummy but no real scooting yet. He sits up like a champ and he starting clapping this month. He eats 4 bottles/nurses a day and he is eating 3 "meals". I also started introducing the sippy cup this month. He did pretty good the first time but really he just wants to chew on the spout. Speaking of chewing he is drooling and chewing like crazy but no tooth. You can see a little white spot on his gums and it is raised but nothing has popped through.
He is such a happy little guy who is always smiling and/or laughing! I can't believe my baby is 7 months old...I've already started the first birthday will be here before i know it!!
Happy 7 months buddy - we LOVE you!