Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lots to catch up on

To my 5 readers I apologize that I left you hanging in my last post! I promise in this post you will get Randy's 18 and 19 week update as well as the gender! So here we go...

Happy 18 weeks Randy -

Because this was two weeks ago I really don't remember much about this week. That might have something to do with the fact that I didn't feel or look any different than I did at week 17. However, this was the week we found out if Randy was a he or she!! It was a relief to see a healthy and very shy baby on the ultrasound screen. Once the tech got what she needed to confirm Randy's gender she changed angles to get a profile shot. At that point, our little bean had flipped over and buried it's face in it's hands! Hopefully Randy will be more cooperative at our 20 week appointment! Below is a picture of Randy at 18 weeks!!

Is Randy a boy or girl???

We told both sets of parents together the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Thank you Thanksgiving Holiday :) We gave each set a picture frame with the picture of the goods and stuffed a balloon in the bag. When they untied the bag the color of the balloon popped out and revealed the gender!

Now I am excited to finally announce that Randy is a........................................................................................................................




We had a feeling Randy was a boy only b/c when we went for our Ultrascan (not to be confused with an ultrasound) at 12 weeks they asked if we wanted a gender prediction. Of course we said yes, but knew that it would not be 100%. Now that we know what Randy is I'm constantly thinking of the nursery. We are heading out again this weekend to look at furniture!!! Wish us luck!

Last but not least Randy is 19 weeks TODAY!!! I haven't felt him move yet (so crazy to say him!), but I'm hoping soon!!! I'm still feeling great just getting excited/nervous about our 20 week appointment next week! It's hard to believe that we are almost 1/2 way through this pregnancy! Here is Randy at 19 weeks. I can really see a difference this week! Please ignore my scary expression, sometimes my fake smile gets a little out of control!

This was way too long but I should be all caught up! Next week will be out big 20 week post and hopefully I will have an update on the nursery situation!


Sunday, November 28, 2010


I am a horrible blogger but in my defense we have had a lot of things going on at the Chiles house! I have so much to catch up on! Like Randy's 18 week post, 5Ks, BUNKO, gender reveal and Thanksgiving!

I'll get started with the small stuff.

  • Last weekend a few of us for some strange reason decided to run a 5K at Chateau Elan. This was the hilliest race I have ever done. They advertise that you get to run through the vineyards which I'm sure would be beautiful any other time of the year but all we got to see were sticks. It didn't really motivate us!! However we pushed through and the pumpkin spice muffin at breakfast made it all worth it!

  • The next day I hosted our first BUNKO night at my house. This was so much fun! I meant to take pictures through out the night but it was a pretty intense game ;) I did get one group shot, unfortunately some of the girls had already left by then - sorry ladies! I hope we keep this up every month!

Okay, enough for now. I think Randy's 18 week and gender reveal deserves a separate post. Not to mention I have to get back to my Christmas decorating ;)


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A 15K and Happy 17 weeks!

Wow - I had planned on updating this on Sunday but I decided to nap instead! I'm a little late but we had a great weekend! Saturday we got up EARLY (5am) and headed out for Grant's 15K trail run. It was a beautiful morning but very cold! I was the good wife and brought a book and a chair and waited for Grant to finish! He did great!! He finished in 1:26 I was so proud ;)

Here are a few pictures from the race.

The Start!

Grant and Rosie. Of course they were handing out Sweetwater - my mouth was watering!

Here is a picture of Grant in Action!

Grant and I after the race!

Afterwards we went to lunch and then both of us crashed on the couch - it was a long morning!!

Sunday we had Grant's parents, sister and bother in-law over for a birthday lunch in honor Rick! I will not mention how old he is ;) Once we finished lunch Grant and I headed out for the first of many nursery furniture shopping trips. It was a little overwhelming which is why I started early! I am excited to get something picked out, if we can ever agree ;)

Now lets talk about Randy! Randy is 17 weeks (and 1 day). S/he is the size of an onion I think. I read that I should be able feel movement soon. Just flutters no real kicks but so far nothing! Here is a belly shot at 17 weeks. I can defiantly tell that I've popped since last week!!

We have our big gender appointment next week!! I can't wait to find out if we have a Randy with a Y or a Randy with and I!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy 16 Weeks Randy!

I'm tired tonight so this will be short and sweet!

Here are Randy and I at 16 weeks. You can def tell there is something there. I'm excited to see what I will look like next week. We had a doc appointment today and everything looked good. Randy had a good strong heartbeat. I don't care how many times I hear it between now and April 26th it will never get old!! Kimmie, I hope the picture is far enough back and you can get a good look :)

Another exciting thing this week is we received our first Gator outfit. Katie and RJ gave us this cute Florida onesie and little booties! Of course we love them and I'm sure Randy will look fantastic in both!

In other news Grant has a 15K trail race this Saturday... one of only two races that he has done without me! Not that I would be interested in a 9 mile trail race, but I will be on hand to cheer him on and take lots of pictures! We are also starting the nursery furniture shopping this weekend. I'm trying to get a jump on this b/c I am HORRIBLE at making decisions. Hopefully I will have plenty of time. Wish us luck!!!

That was longer than I thought ;)


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy 15 Weeks Randy (A day late)

I'll make this short and sweet - no one really cares about these belly pictures but my Mom and Grant's Mom so here you go - Randy at 15 weeks - I think I can start to see something ;)

If it looks like I just woke up it's because I did...no judging.