Monday, March 26, 2012

2 Special Birthdays!

Not sure why this didn't post a week ago!

Grant celebrated the BIG 3-4 on March 22nd. Of course Mac had to bring him his cards...pardon Grant's sleepy was early!

This is about the only way you can contain him now!!

Both of my boys look sleepy.

Mac gave Grant an acrylic block with a picture of himself (so vain) and on the back it says "I love you Daddy"....Grant LOVED it of course. I got him a pair of shoes (he did not love) a shirt and the Muppet Movie (which he loved). It was a pretty low key birthday. The three of us went to provinos and then came home and hung out which is when Mr. Macster decided he wanted to crawl full force!! This was the first time that Grant had witness it and I think this was his favorite birthday present of all!!!

There was also another special birthday in March. My daddy and Mac's papa turned an age we shall keep to ourselves on March 27th! Mac sure does love papa!!

My dad's favorite thing to do is to "walk" Mac. He will take him and walk him around the yard, the house whatever just talking to him. It is the sweetest thing!

Happy Birthday Daddy and Papa! We love you!


Sunday, March 25, 2012

11 months

11 down...ONE more to go! Mac Chiles you turned 11 months on March 20th! My oh my how the time flies!!! I honestly have no idea how you are 11 months. As cliche as it sounds it really does feel like yesterday that I got that first positive test and now BAM you are 11 months old.

I'm not sure what your stats are, you do not go back to the doc until after your year birthday. THANKFULLY we have had a full month of no doctor visit worthy sickness!!!

BIG TIME FIRST this month...WE OFFICIALLY HAVE A CRAWLER!!!! On Wednesday March 21st his school called and left me a message. For those of you who do not know Mac's "school" is located in my building at work so when I saw the missed call on my work phone I called back without checking my messages. When his teachers answered they could tell I had not checked my messages and told me to check and then call back. The message was his two current teachers as well as his infant room teacher all cheering and screaming that he had started crawling FORWARD. Forward being the key word. Mac has been crawling backwards and sideways for months but never forward. Of course I (and his Aunt Katie) raced down there to see it in person. When I got there he crawled towards me when I walked in the still my heart :)

When we got home I was eager to show Grant....Mac....not so eager. He would NOT do it. He would just laugh and tease us by rocking back and forth. My husband being the patient person that he is said it wasn't a big deal and he would get to see it tomorrow. I would have never been able to do that! So the next morning which just happened to be Grant's birthday we put him on the ground and nothing. The minute I put him down at school he took off!!!!

Luckily when we got home that night he finally showed his daddy his skillz..Haha!!! I have a completely separate post documenting Grant's birthday and the "first" crawling video! I have come to realize that my boy will do his own thing on his own time. It is almost like he has to be 100% sure he can do something before he actually does it. He never did the army crawl or the drag the belly crawl he just waited and then went straight for the hands and knees crawl. Whatever he does and however he does it will be fine with me.

Mac is still the happiest kid on the block although he is definitely testing the boundaries with his new found freedom! We couldn't be happier and I am looking forward to his big birthday bash. I am still a little sad about him turning one but I am really enjoying this new stage. He is SO much fun!

We love you Mac Chiles!!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Mac's Moves

Remember how I mentioned in my last post that he doesn't actually "crawl" but does this sit, knees, turns, sit thing..?? Well I finally documented it. It doesn't look near as funny in pictures as it does in person but I thought it was worth showing.

This is how it starts......

Then he goes to the all four stance....

Then he realizes he likes sitting better....

So he starts to push himself back up......almost there...

Sweet success!!!

Don't let him fool you...he could care less what is in the basket....the basket is his favorite toy!!

This kid cracks me up! Tomorrow he will be 11 months....11 MONTHS!!!!!! Oh my goodness.


Monday, March 12, 2012

Random Monday night

So tonight my 7 year old neighbor came over. She loves Mac...actually she loves all of us. Before Mac came along she would come over and hang out and run our dogs ragged and it always tickled us. Now that we have Mac she comes over and plays with him and his toys and he just laughs and laughs and laughs! Tonight she came over with this........

At first he was irritated but she eventually coaxed him into posing!

I'm sure he's thinking "mom...seriously..."

Before she left she asked how old she would be when Mac turned 7. I told her 14....she was shocked but said she would play with him anyways :)


Saturday, March 10, 2012

A tale about bath time

If I had to rank Mac's favorites things in the whole wide world bath time would be top on his list. The kid LOVES it. Sure we may sing the naked song every night before he gets in the bath which really gets him revved up and kicking to get out of my arms before I can hand him over to his daddy. Sure he LOVES his plain rubbery duck that he dunks and then looks up at us and laughs like he has just done something that no one else have ever done...and sure we may encourage all of this behavior because it's just as much for our amusement as it is for him :)

I probably should mention that even if the kid didn't like bath time it is essential in our house. Mac loves to eat. He also loves to feed himself which can make him look like this....

Do you notice the top TWO teeth....??? See those fat cheeks smothered in spaghetti? I am almost certain that he has sauce caught in between his two chins. I could eat that spaghetti right off that face...I love it.

So the bath process begins. Grant starts his bath and "places his order" while I get him stripped down to his birthday suit and bring him in the bathroom (all while singing our naked song which I will spare everyone who reads this blog...all 3 of you).

Have I mentioned that I love that face....those big blue eyes and that bright red hair...well I do...can you blame me? Once we get him in the bath and wash his pits and manly bits we may give him a shampoo Mohawk. I hope this is the only Mohawk he ever has and/or wants.

After all the soap and Mohawk has been washed away it's time to get out. He doesn't normally love this part but his Cookie Monster bath towel helps ease the pain.

Then it's PJs, book and bed and lucky for all of us we start the process over the next night!!!


Saturday, March 3, 2012

10 months...let the countdown begin!!

Mac Chiles you are 10 MONTHS OLD!!!! Of course I'm late with this post but our little man celebrated 10 months on 2/20. The countdown to birthday town has started and this mama is getting a tad bit sentimental that her baby is about to be the BIG 01!!!!

I'm not sure of his stats this month. I did take him to the doctor this past Monday (2/27) and he weighed 18lbs 3ozs. HE FINALLY BROKE 18 POUNDS!!! He is a small fry but the doctor is not worried.
Still no crawling forward but crawling backwards and in a complete circle. This is his main way he gets around. For a baby who doesn't crawl the "traditional" way he sure gets around.

He is still our happy boy. The kid loves to laugh and CLAP!!! He smiles when we smile but he is not afraid to show us when he is not happy. This month we started playing around with his schedule. We put him in the bath earlier so we can give him his "night time" bottle early. We let him play and then we put him to bed WITHOUT rocking him with his bottle. He hasn't seemed to mind. I hear that taking away the night time bottle is the hardest so I hope this helps!

A few random stats....he wears 9-12 month clothes and a size 3 diaper. He eats anything and everything. We haven't come across a food yet that he does not like :)
I can hardly believe that MY BABY will be ONE in less than two heart is about to burst!
Mac we love you so much!!