Monday, May 30, 2011

5 weeks!!

Mac will be 6 weeks on Wednesday and I realized I hadn't posted his 5 week picture yet...oops!

This week of his life was very busy!! We had TWO doctors appointments! For the first one I had to take Mr. Mac back to the doctor for a weight check. Mac weight 7lbs 40z when he was born, dropped to 6lbs 10oz by the time we left the hospital, shot up to 6lbs 150z at his 6 day appointment and weighed in at a whopping 7lbs 8oz at his one month check up! The doc wasn't too concerned since he was above his birth weight but wanted me to come back just to make sure. Well Mac did not disappoint! He tipped the scale at 8lbs 4oz...he gained almost a pound in less than a week!!!! I was so proud! Come to find out I had to fatten myself up in order to fatten him doctor told me I needed a chick fila milkshake - ha!

Our second appointment we had to go to the Children's Hospital for a Hip ultrasound. Our doctor likes for all breech babies to have an ultrasound just to be safe. I was so nervous! Hip issues were something I read about the minute I found out that Mac was breech and most likely not turning. He was so brave and did such a good job!! Everything looked good with his ultrasound so there was no need for me to stress!

Here he is on the exam table...notice his little identification bracelet on his ankle ;)

Both of our appointments went well and he is a healthy and happy little boy!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Seriously....where does the time go???

ONE MONTH - are you kidding me??? How did this happen? My baby boy is already one month old soon to be 5 weeks. I know this isn't that big of a deal but it has gone by in a blink of an eye and like I say every week it makes me sad!

Here he is at 4 weeks...he was not happy. We didn't get one single picture of him not screaming...oh well we still love him!

I wasn't the only one not happy about him being a month old....we do have some happy pictures of him but decided to stick with the theme....

Everybody was kung fu fighting....HA!

We have really enjoyed this past month - I can't believe it is going by so fast but I'm so thankful that he is a healthy little boy!!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

3 weeks and Mothers day!

Mac celebrated 3 weeks last Wednesday! It is hard to believe that he is almost a month old. We introduced the bottle to Mac this week. I was a little sad about this but it was time that I got a break ;) The first night he didn't take it but the second night and third night went much better. This also gives Grant some bonding time with him so all in all it is a good thing! I am still absolutely LOVING being at home with this little man. I think I've said this before but it is hard remembering what life was like before April 2oth, 2011! He is truly a blessing and we could not be happier! We go back to the doctor this Friday so I will have his stats!

Mother's day was fabulous! I remember thinking 3 years ago that I may never get to celebrate this holiday so it was extra special for me! Grant made me the most amazing breakfast while I sat and snuggled with Mister! We had lunch with my in-laws and then just enjoyed hanging out the rest of the day. It was perfect!

My amazing breakfast!

Grant and Mac on Mother's day!

Me and my precious boy on Mother's day!

All in all things are still going well! Mac has started sleeping 4-5 hour stretches every so often so that helps A LOT! He really is a sweet baby!! We are so in love!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mac is two weeks old today!!

I CAN'T believe my sweet boy is already two weeks old! Time is flying by and it is making this Mama sad!

At two weeks you don't really have that many likes and dislikes but I would like to document a few things.

  • Mac LOVES to eat! This boy would eat every minute of the day if I let him.

  • He is normally a very happy boy but his fussy time is right around 6ish. I feel bad b/c this is about the time Grant gets home!!!

  • He does not like to get his diaper changed.

  • He hates getting into his car seat but loves riding in the car.

  • He loves snuggling on your chest. This is where he would prefer to sleep if we let him.

  • He does not love bath time.

Happy Two Weeks Mac!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mac is a week old..well he was last Wednesday

I know - I'm a horrible parent. I meant to post his one week update last Wednesday when he actually turned one week but as many know time is limited with a one week old!!

We took him to his ped on Tuesday and everything looked great!! Below are his weight updates other than that they didn't give me any other measurments.

Birth weight - 7lbs 4ozs
Coming home weight - 6lbs 10ozs
One week weight - 6lbs 15ozs

He gained 5ozs in 6 days which is pretty good! He has so far been a healthy happy little boy!!! We couldn't be happier - it is really hard to imagine what life was like without him!

The happy parents!

I'm ONE week old...already!!!

Greta LOVES him...Arleen hasn't come around yet.

Tomorrow he will be 2 weeks old...I will try to post on time this week!