Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Running a marathon....

If there has been one thing I have consistently craved during this pregnancy it has been these little devils……..

I bet I eat on average 100 a day. I have never been the type to keep candy out in my house BUT Mac has changed that. For the last 4 months or so I have kept a bowl that sits on a table at the bottom of my steps filled with these little tasty treats. No matter what time of day I grab one on my way down or up the stairs. It’s an addiction. In November I was obsessed with the dark chocolate ones, December it was the peppermint/white chocolate now I’m hooked on the plain ole regular ones. I’m hoping next month I can find the ones filled with caramel...YUM!

On a side note Grant is training for a ½ marathon in March which means long runs for him on Saturday’s. We did this race last year and I really enjoyed it….however at 8.5 months pregnant by the time the race rolls around I will be sitting on the sidelines cheering him on. What this ultimately means is that as I sit and eat 100 Hershey kisses and gain an absurd amount of weight Grant stays fit and trim. What happened to the husband taking on pregnancy symptoms and gaining weight to make the wife feel better?? Oh well as I sit and eat my heaping bowl of ice cream topped with Hershey kisses on Friday nights I think about how I don’t have to stress about getting my long run in the next day. BUT when he comes back from his run all energized and probably 3 lbs lighter I just eat another little kiss and remind myself that I’m running a marathon everyday by GROWING A HUMAN BEING – so take that Mr. Fit and Trim :)

It's a good thing I really love Mr. Fit and Trim!

Stay tuned – my 27th week post is coming up...my last week in my 2nd trimester!!! CRAZY!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

26 Weeks!

This past Tuesday marked my 26th week of pregnancy! Mac is moving and shaking...literally!!! I don't think this feeling will ever get old. He is most active around 8 o'clock at night which works out great. That means Grant has been able to feel him almost every night before bed ;) I am still feeling very well....no complaints! I realize that could very well change in a week or two, but for now I'm going to enjoy it!!! I can't believe I only have a little over 3 months left!

In other news Grant has started cleaning out his sports room. This is a task that we didn't think would take that long but has turned into a cluster!! Hopefully we'll have it cleaned out by next weekend. I need to decide on paint color so we can get it painted and we should be good to go other than a few nic-nac things! I'm excited to get started in his room!

And finally here is a picture for your viewing pleasure!

I feel like my feet are always awkward in these picture.....Haha!


Happy 30th Fuller!

This weekend we celebrated a good friend's 30th birthday! It's nice to know that I have another friend in the club!!! We all met at La Parrilla on Saturday to surprise Kelly and then afterwards we headed to another bar to watch the Falcons game. By the end of the night I was EXHAUSTED but we had a lot of fun!!! The best part since I couldn't drink margaritas was the cake - it was DELISH!!!!

Here is Kelly right after the Happy Birthday song. Her hat was so big it blocked Melanie out of the picture!

The cake...OMG it was good. I'm not sure if it was really that good or if I just kept telling myself it was better than a giant margarita!

My other favorite part of the night was snuggling with this little guy! Carter was such a good baby the entire time. I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure it was b/c he was with his Aunt Tina!

Here is the picture of all of the girls at Ormsby's. Probably the hottest girls at the bar...I'm just saying.

We all had a really good time!!! I somehow avoided any pictures with Grant but I promise he was there!

Happy Birthday Fuller - Welcome to the 30 club!!!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Frozen and Happy 25 Weeks Mac!!

Grant and I both have been working from home since Monday. We didn't measure, but we estimate that we got about 5-6 inches of snow Sunday night/Monday. It was beautiful but now all that pretty snow has turned to ice so we've been stuck at home. We have really enjoyed our time working from home, but I think both of us are hoping we can make it in to the office for a little while tomorrow...we'll see it's, not looking too good!

Here are some pictures from our snow day!

This was Monday morning, the only time we ventured out in the snow to play. We (Grant) tried to go sledding but we did NOT have the appropriate equipment!

Our house looked so pretty before all the kids tracked through our yard!

Arleen LOVED the snow! Greta...not so much.

A little snow Frisbee....

Our backyard
This was taken Sunday night when it started coming down around 930!

During Snow Storm 2011 Mr. Mac celebrated 25 weeks!! The fruit/vegetable comparison is an Eggplant! I'm still feeling good and he is growing as you can see below ;)

I had a good doc appointment last week and everything looked great! I go back in 3 weeks for my glucose test and then after that I start going every two weeks and will officially be in my 3rd trimester!!!! I finally ordered what I think might be his bedding. Now all I need to do is decide on paint colors and we should be good to go!!

I hope everyone is staying safe and warm!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Part III - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and we finally bought Nursery Furniture!

Christmas -

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! We were in Warner Robins for Christmas this year and missed the snow but it was worth it! Being lazy at my parent’s house while my Mom cooked all of my favorite meals.... you can’t beat that! I bet I gained 10 lbs over the holidays... we will find out tomorrow! We spent most of the time watching movies, playing rummy and of course EATING! It was a glorious 3-day break!

Grant, Mac and I all racked up this year for Christmas! Mac even had his own stocking b/c my Mom knows how much I love stockings!!! My favorite present came from my nephew. He scored a 100 on his math test so he got to pick out a prize. He picked this cute framed picture of a pug and gave it to us for Christmas! He also bought us these AWESOME coffee mugs from the school Santa shop! If you can’t read them mine says "My Aunt has a big heart" and Grant’s says "My Uncle is above the rest"! So sweet!

We left my parent's house early the day after Christmas so we could get home and head to Grant's parents house for lunch and more presents! We had a delicious lunch and played more cards!! It was a wonderful Christmas and we are very blessed. Mac is one lucky boy!! Both sets of Grandparents spoil him already and I know it will only get worse once he gets here!

New Years -

For the past 5 years we have celebrated New Years in the mountains with a group of friends. Let me tell you it is the way to go. No dressing up in uncomfortable clothes, getting out in the cold and crowds. Nope..... just hanging out for 3 days relaxing, eating and watching football. This year I did not take near as many pictures as I normally do. You would think being the only sober one there that I would have been snapping away, but I was too busy forcing myself to stay awake! I did manage to get a few pictures!

Birthday (for Leigh) and New Year's shots. I couldn't partake, but Ryan made them so pretty I had to take a picture!

Me with my sparkling grape juice!

Grant and I with our NYE garb...

Ryan and Leigh playing Just Dance 2 - this was a major source of entertainment!

We had a great time but it has been a tough two days trying to get back into the swing of things at work and at home!!

Nursery Furniture -

On our way back from the cabin we decided to go ahead and stop in and order our nursery furniture. The lady told us it could take 8-10 weeks for the furniture to come in so we didn't want to push it! We ordered a crib, mattress, conversion rails, dresser and a glider all at once! I can't wait for it to come and and get the room together. Mac will be here before we know it!!! I tried to post a picture but it wouldn't work and I'm too tired to try and figure it out!

I should be all updated! Hopefully!!!


Part II - Randy has a name!

That’s right folks he has a name and it’s a good one! After a month of deliberating and trying to figure out what goes with what we finally decided on







McAlister Austin Chiles

We will probably call him Mac for short and before you say anything... YES, we are aware that his initials spell out his name... and NO, we did not plan for that to happen! McAlister is Grant’s Grandmother’s maiden name. I have always loved this name, but finding something to go with it was difficult. We went back and forth with lots of different names but kept coming back to McAlister. At first we were going to use McAlister as a middle name, but after spending time with a teacher friend (Kimmie), she and Katie pointed out how difficult it is for kids who go by their middle names especially when it comes time for school. {Side note - For those of you who do not know Grant’s name is Christopher Grant. Crazy to think we could have possibly been Chris and Chris Chiles. Thank goodness for kids who do go by their middle names}

Anyways back to the name, so I wanted to use McAlister Grant at first but Grant was not a fan. Then we went with some funky names and nothing sounded right. Growing up, Grant was SUPER close to his Papa (his Dad’s Dad). Papa’s name just happens to be Richard Austin Chiles. Everyone loved Papa or Rock as most folks called him so it was a pretty easy decision. Not to mention it sounds really great with McAlister :) I love old family names!!! Growing up I wasn’t close with either of my Grandfathers. My Dad’s name is Stephen Wayne (WE LOVE YOU WAYNE), my brother’s name is Stephen and my brother used Stephen for his son’s name. That left Wayne as the only Lackey side family name and if you have ever met my father you know how he feels about the name Wayne....he is not a fan. I think it would be hilarious if Mac calls him Wayne ;)
So there you have it. Randy is Mac. I still catch myself calling him Randy, but old habits die hard I guess. My Nephew wants to call him Mac and Cheese. I guess he can call him whatever he wants considering he will be 10 years older than him and will most likely boss him around, which is how it should be! It is hard to believe that this all started in August and now I’m 6 months pregnant......with a boy.......who has a real name! I get more and more excited every day!


I'm back....Part I

I have been lazy, forgive me. The holidays got the best of me and I was a total blog slacker! However, we have lots to catch up on so let’s get started shall we?

This will be the first installment of a 3 post night!

First things first... our baby Boy is growing! You can tell from the pictures below that each week I seem to change a little bit more! Below are my snapshots from weeks 22,23 and 24. I go to the doctor tomorrow for my 24 week appointment. I am interested in how much weight I have gained b/c he has definitely had a growth spurt. All in all I feel good. I know that I have probably just jinxed myself, but no major complaints other than some back pain now and then. The most exciting news... I can finally feel him move!!!! It is the craziest feeling and as cheesy as it is, it is the most amazing feeling. At first I didn’t know what it was, but he is moving more and more making me aware that he is in there. I say that he is probably doing "the Beavis" which is Grant’s amazing signature dance move. Let's hope he gets his dance skills from a distant relative or friend b/c Lord knows his parents are challenged in that department. He seems to be most active first thing in the morning and around bed time. Nothing uncomfortable yet, but I’m sure that is coming. Grant hasn’t felt him move, but hopefully soon!

22 Weeks

23 Weeks

Today at 24 Weeks

Today he is a little over a pound and about the length of an ear of corn….impressive.