Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm back....Part I

I have been lazy, forgive me. The holidays got the best of me and I was a total blog slacker! However, we have lots to catch up on so let’s get started shall we?

This will be the first installment of a 3 post night!

First things first... our baby Boy is growing! You can tell from the pictures below that each week I seem to change a little bit more! Below are my snapshots from weeks 22,23 and 24. I go to the doctor tomorrow for my 24 week appointment. I am interested in how much weight I have gained b/c he has definitely had a growth spurt. All in all I feel good. I know that I have probably just jinxed myself, but no major complaints other than some back pain now and then. The most exciting news... I can finally feel him move!!!! It is the craziest feeling and as cheesy as it is, it is the most amazing feeling. At first I didn’t know what it was, but he is moving more and more making me aware that he is in there. I say that he is probably doing "the Beavis" which is Grant’s amazing signature dance move. Let's hope he gets his dance skills from a distant relative or friend b/c Lord knows his parents are challenged in that department. He seems to be most active first thing in the morning and around bed time. Nothing uncomfortable yet, but I’m sure that is coming. Grant hasn’t felt him move, but hopefully soon!

22 Weeks

23 Weeks

Today at 24 Weeks

Today he is a little over a pound and about the length of an ear of corn….impressive.



  1. Glad you are back! I missed you! Love the belly pics.

  2. I LOVE THE NAME!!! You look wonderful. I can hardly wait!
    Grandmama Chiles can't wait to get her hands on sweet baby Mac.
    Don't forget that we will be tailgating in the waiting room! And I promise to bring champagne for after the delivery.
    So very happy for you and Grant and all of us>
