Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I promise...

A BIG blog update to explain my MIA and to update you on my 30 and 31 weeks of pregnancy!! I took last week off for much needed little R&R with my hubby so I have lots to post about. However tonight I'm too tired and Glee is on so I'm majorly distracted!

Stay tuned!!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

29 weeks!

This past Tuesday (I'm late as usual) marked my 29th week of pregnancy. Only 11 more weeks to go! Mac has been moving more and more which makes this mama happy! He loves to beat up my right rib cage and I'm fine with that. The more he moves the more reassurance I have! In other good news I passed my glucose test so no GD!!!

Here is Mac and Me at 29 weeks! I am really growing!

As you can see we haven't made much progress in the nursery. We have the painters scheduled... Once it's painted we can pick up the furniture and start piecing it together! I am very excited.

This weekend we have our 3/4 D ultrasound. I'm excited to get a good look at Mr. Mac! I hear it can be kind of creepy ;) I will be posting pictures this weekend! Other than that I'm looking forward to a relaxing!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

28 Weeks - 12 more to go!!

Hello THIRD trimester! It is hard to believe that we are in our last trimester of this pregnancy! To think that this journey started in 2008 and here we are in February 2011 and I’m in my 3rd trimester!!! That just makes my heart happy!!!

Below are pictures of me at 27 weeks and 28 weeks. I forgot to take my picture for 27 weeks so you only got a belly shot since I was I my pj’s and I had already washed my face!

27 weeks

28 weeks and a sneak peek of the nursery!

Today I had my 28 week appointment and glucose test. I must say the drink was really not that bad. I was a little nervous when the nurse told me I had to finish it in 5 minutes but it tasted like Orange soda so it didn’t take long. My Mom has been wanting to hear the heartbeat so she came with me today. It worked out b/c I had someone to talk to me while I waited an hour for my blood draw.

I don't know I've mentioned this before but I love my doctor! I started rotating doctors a couple appointments ago. Today I got to meet another doctor and I am very pleased. So far I have met 4 out of 6 and I like them all very much. This is a good thing as it is rare that your main doctor will be on call the day you go into labor! Today I met with Dr. S. She was wonderful! I was a little nervous when she suggested I get an ultrasound b/c I expressed concerns that I haven’t felt him as much as I should. Due to my placenta being in the front (sorry if that is TMI) it is normal to only feel the strong movements but they wanted to check anyways. I’m so glad my Mom was there or I would have had a major breakdown. Everything looked GREAT – Mac is growing just like he should. He weighs roughly 2lbs and 12ozs! The only issue they see is he is still breech. He was breech at my 20 week ultrasound which is normal but they like to see them move into position between 28 and 30 weeks. This does not mean he won’t or can’t move but b/c my little man is breech I get to see him again in 4 weeks ;) This is huge. Normally you do not get another ultrasound after 20 weeks and I get two maybe 3 more!!!! They will check him at my 32 week appointment and again at my 36 week. If he hasn’t moved then we will discuss what our options are moving forward. They do have procedures they can do to move him but will not be able to do that with me b/c of my placenta being on the front. They are afraid it would detach and that would B-A-D! So we sit and wait….if he moves he moves... it’s all up to him now. On a side note I was born 2.5 months early b/c the placenta detached and I was breech!! So he can hang out where he is and I’m fine with that!

One perk of the 3rd trimester is I start going to the doctor every two weeks now! I LOVE to hear his little heartbeat!!! We are in the homestretch and I have so much to do! I will have a nursery update coming soon and our furniture arrived this week!!! Grant and I will have lots to keep us busy and April will be here before we know it!!! I will leave you with an ultrasound picture – he was moving all around and opening and closing his mouth. Sad that I can’t feel every movement like some but I am just so happy with what I’ve got I’m NOT COMPLAINING!

I know - he is handsome ;)