Tuesday, October 25, 2011


This past weekend The Chiles and The Wrights traveled WAY up north to visit Burt's Pumpkin Patch. We had some professional pictures taken by the wonderful Lindsey @ Sweet Moments Photos and of course picked out pumpkins!!! We thought about the hayride but realized that the boys, who are 6 and 10 months old, probably wouldn't get much out of it so we skipped it and headed home...it was a long morning!
Now get ready for picture over load! They are not in order so just bare with me!
Our goodies!

Yes - I made Grant stand in front of this sign with the baby carrier on so I could take a picture...he did not love it!
I love this b/c 1/2 of the kids there were doing exactly what they said NOT to do ;)
This was at the very end of the morning...Mac passed out in what looks like a very uncomfortable position.

I liked the signs....

Awww...here is my little Carter man. He did not love the pumpkins!

Here is my little man. Grant took this picture. He should be a professional.

Uncle Kip and Mac
Grant took this as well...he said "this is a picture you would put in your kitchen during the fall"..he thinks he is pretty good at this picture taking stuff.

Another one of Grant's pictures.....I actually like this one a lot!

This was right after our photo shoot. Mac needed a bottle. Obviously his dad was too busy looking cool in his sunglasses and sweater and his Mom was too busy taking pictures. Thank goodness for Aunt CA!

Jamie and Jamie...also known as Carter

The Wrights

The Chiles

We had a great time! I'm already looking forward to next year when Mac can run around and participate in all the other fun activities!! I love starting family traditions (Hank Williams JR song..anyone?).

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Happy 1/2 Birthday Macster!

It happened....today my little baby turned 6 months old!! I know, I know how will I react when he turns a year old? Much worse than this :) Anyways we celebrated in style with a trip to the pediatrician and then we came home and tore into a red velvet cupcake! Well Mac just had pictures take with it!!
Here are Mac's stats -
6 months
Weight - 16lbs 60zs
Length - 25 3/4 inches
Head Circ - 16 1/2
And just for comparison -
4 months
Weight - 14lbs 6.6ozs
Length - 24 1/2 inches
Head Circ - 15 3/4
2 months
Weight - 10 lbs 12ozs
Length - 22 3/4
Head Circ - 15
He is between the 25th and 50th percentile for both weight and length ;)
He had one oral and 2 shot vaccines AND he got his flu shot. He did so good during the shot portion...I think he cried for maybe 5 seconds.....BUT before the shots took place they had to clean out his ears so they could get a better look and he cried BIG tears for over 5 minutes. I felt so bad for him b/c as soon as we got him settled down they stuck him with the needles. Poor little fella, he had a rough day of sore legs and just general crankiness but was smiling at me when I put him to bed tonight so that makes me feel better!
Now on to the pictures!

Here he is with his 1/2 birthday cupcake!

Mommy and Me with the cupcake!

Always with the hand in the mouth!

Daddy being silly!

Daddy and Mac!
I can't believe how fast our little man is growing up! He is such a blessing and we have really enjoyed these last 6 months. It is hard to imagine what life was like without him. We may have gotten a lot more sleep and been able to go out to dinner after 7pm but I wouldn't change this for the world!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Eye Candy photo dump!

He LOVES his spoon...not so much the oatmeal!

Arleen is starting to come around - finally!!!

Seriously...how cute is he in his Masters outfit!!!

I love this face!!!

Yes - this is a picture of just the two of us!! We were on our way to a wedding!!


24 and 25 weeks!

Mac will be 6 MONTHS tomorrow....tomorrow people!!! My baby will be 1/2 a year old. I can't think about that right now. He is changing every day...every minute....every second and I'm not ready. Why must they grow up so fast? Age old question I know....and I'm happy that he is growing and changing but I'm not happy about how fast it is going by!!
24 weeks -
25 weeks -
Mac's 6 month appointment is tomorrow. I can't wait to find out all of his stats! I will be doing a big 1/2 year birthday post hopefully tomorrow!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rice Cereal....The verdict is still out!

We gave Mac rice cereal for the first time tonight! I know I am behind the curve on this but our doctor told us to hold off as long as possible on giving him solid food only b/c once you give it to him you have to always give it to him. He told us to start around 5-5 1/2 weeks and since I'm a rule follower that is exactly what I did! He didn't hate it but he didn't love it either!

This was right before...he looks pretty excited!

I had to take a picture of the nasty stuff along with his silver spoon...it has his name on it :)
First bite.....
Second bite....
Hmmm...not real sure what to think.....
Let's pause for a minute for a photo with Mom....I look HEINOUS but I had to document this moment!
Grant's looks much better....hate him.
Still not sure what to think about!
I'm pretty sure we had more fun than he did! I'm hoping tomorrow he will lean more towards the loving it side than he did tonight! This kid has to love to eat...he is my son!!!

We're the two best friends that anyone could have...

I feel sorry for these two....I really do. I hope they like each other, if not they have a long life ahead of them.

Carter was tired of hanging out with the baby :)

Oh and for the record...YES this will show up in if not both at least one rehearsal dinner video.
I love these boys!

20, 21, 5 months and 23 weeks...oh my

It's been almost a month - I'm ashamed and I don't have a good excuse other than the fact that I work and I'm tired.

Mac is growing like a weed (I hate saying just for the record) and his little personality is really starting to shine! He laughs and smiles all the time and for the most part is a very happy baby! Just for my documentation b/c I'm sure no one really cares how much he eats but he is eating 5 times a day. When he takes a bottle it is about 6 ounces so all in all I'm guessing anywhere between 30-35 ounces a day.

His hair is getting thicker and redder everyday...I love it....I mean I really, really love it! I saw on the news that sperm banks are no longer accepting redhead deposits b/c redheaded babies are not in high demand. That is ridiculous....have you seen my redheaded baby??? Who wouldn't want one??? Crazy people. Someone said that only 1% of the population has red hair...someone else made the comment that I have 1/2 of them in my house :)

So here are some pics...out of order but that is blogger's fault...I'm not happy with them.

Seriously....who wouldn't want a redhead baby??? Look at his little guy...geez people :)
So what if i will have to lather him in SPF 100 for the rest of his life!
I love redheads and I'm proud of it!!!
It's crazy (I say it every time..get over it) how quickly he is growing up. I can tell a huge difference between the 20 week and 23 week picture. In 18 days MY BABY will be 6 months but I can't think about that right now.
I am going to get better about updating this thing, I'm shooting for weekly. Kimmie I need you to hold me to this :)