Tuesday, October 25, 2011


This past weekend The Chiles and The Wrights traveled WAY up north to visit Burt's Pumpkin Patch. We had some professional pictures taken by the wonderful Lindsey @ Sweet Moments Photos and of course picked out pumpkins!!! We thought about the hayride but realized that the boys, who are 6 and 10 months old, probably wouldn't get much out of it so we skipped it and headed home...it was a long morning!
Now get ready for picture over load! They are not in order so just bare with me!
Our goodies!

Yes - I made Grant stand in front of this sign with the baby carrier on so I could take a picture...he did not love it!
I love this b/c 1/2 of the kids there were doing exactly what they said NOT to do ;)
This was at the very end of the morning...Mac passed out in what looks like a very uncomfortable position.

I liked the signs....

Awww...here is my little Carter man. He did not love the pumpkins!

Here is my little man. Grant took this picture. He should be a professional.

Uncle Kip and Mac
Grant took this as well...he said "this is a picture you would put in your kitchen during the fall"..he thinks he is pretty good at this picture taking stuff.

Another one of Grant's pictures.....I actually like this one a lot!

This was right after our photo shoot. Mac needed a bottle. Obviously his dad was too busy looking cool in his sunglasses and sweater and his Mom was too busy taking pictures. Thank goodness for Aunt CA!

Jamie and Jamie...also known as Carter

The Wrights

The Chiles

We had a great time! I'm already looking forward to next year when Mac can run around and participate in all the other fun activities!! I love starting family traditions (Hank Williams JR song..anyone?).

1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys had a good time. Both boys look adorable---Mac and Carter, that is! :) I'm a little sad you didn't do the hayride. It's the BEST hayride around!!! Really! :)
