Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nursery Sneak Peak!!!

Let me start off by saying the nursery is no where near complete but we did get it painted and the furniture put together so we are heading in the right direction! I absolutely LOVE how it is turning out! It is completely different than I imagined. Funny how you change your mind on so many things once you actually get pregnant!! The nursery all started with the fabric for the chair and it just kind of went from there. The only major issue we had was picking the color of the furniture. I wanted white Grant wanted dark or black so we ended up going with espresso. I love it!

Here is the room all cleared out and all of Grant's stuff off the walls. This is what we started with!

This is after the panelling (not sure what you would call it) was put up. You can see Greta's butt in the bottom of this picture - ha!

This was right after the painters - I love the color!!!! It is a very light oatmeal!

The bookcase will go between these two windows!

Sorry this pic is so crappy it was taken with my Iphone. Here is the dresser. We are actually using this as the changing table as well!

My favorite part of the room!! I love his glider and his monogrammed pillow makes my heart happy ;)

Here is the crib. Not sure if you can see the bedding but it is VERY simple. White with green trim. His sheets are polka dot. The table to the right will NOT stay in the nursery. Grant was using it to hold his ipod speakers while he was putting the furniture together. Also his golf clubs you see in the right corner of the picture will be gone as well ;)

I wanted something very simple and very calming!

Remember - this is just a sneak peak. We are still waiting on curtains, bookcase, things for the walls and I'm replacing the ceiling fan with a light fixture. Lots of stuff to do but so exciting! I know that the room is more for the parents than the baby and he isn't going to care if it is complete or not....blah blah....I care and I hope I can get it just the way I want it before Mac decides to make his appearance!
Once we are finished I will post the final product!


  1. Chris, love love love his sweet room!! Very calming indeed! I love that glider too, it's gorge! Can't wait to see you Saturday at Todd and Mel's shower!!:)

  2. So sweet!!Might want to keep the ceiling fan. We ended up having to buy a floor one for noise:) He will have one in his new room though:)
