Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My BABY is 2 months old!!

So June 20th the Macster celebrated 2 months of life. I can hardly believe that he has been with us for 2 months!!! I look at pictures when we first brought him home and I barely remember him being that tiny!!! Mac did AMAZING at his two month check up. He took his shots like a champ!!! I had to hide behind Grant so the doctor couldn't see me cringing!! He cried for maybe 15 seconds and then he was fine....such a big boy. I guess I need to work on being a big girl!

Here are his 2 months stats -
10 lbs 12 ozs
22 3/4 inches long
Head cir - 15

Just to compare he was only 7lbs 4ozs and 20 inches long when he was born so he is really growing!!! The doctor was pleased with his stats and told me not to worry that BF babies are normally a little longer and leaner and he was doing wonderfully! The doctor also put the smack down on us and told me I needed to move him out of our room and put him in his crib at night and for all of his naps. He also wanted me to swaddle him and put him down with no sleep aids. At first I thought he was crazy but I'm happy to report that for the last 5 days Mac has slept from 10/1030 to 630/730 every night!! We actually have to wake him up most mornings to get on a regular feeding schedule. I hope this last but if it doesn't at least I got a good week of solid sleep! The first morning I woke up in a panic that maybe the monitor wasn't working and I didn't hear him crying for me...nope....rushed in his room and he was still fast asleep!

Other 2 month things I would like to remember:

He wakes up smiling now and I LOVE IT!!!!
He stays awake longer and is more playful.
He loves his swing
He LOVES laying on the couch and watching the ceiling fan!
He is finally wearing 3 month clothes and all of his newborn clothes have to be packed up!
Did I mention he smiles all the time ;)???
He HATES tummy time
He is SO close to rolling over!

I only have 3 weeks left at home with him. It's bittersweet. I'm ready to get back into a routine and I'm very lucky that our daycare is in my building but it is going to be difficult leaving him. I'm trying not to think about it!!!

Here are his 2 month shots!

He is getting so big! He is finally starting to get some rolls on his thighs and I love it!


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