Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A 30th birthday and 4th of July

On June 25th we celebrated on our good friend's 30th birthday! This was my first big night out and it did not disappoint. Let's just say I'm glad my Mom came in town to spend the night b/c 6am came REAL early the next morning!!!! Katie did such a wonderful job with the party. Her and Ryan LOVE Vegas (especially RJ) so she went with a Vegas theme! She set up craps, black jack and roulette tables. I'm glad we were playing with fake money! Here are a few pictures from the evening.

Mac was ready for us to leave so he could spend some time with his Nana
I think this is the first picture of just us in over 3 months!!
I did not take any pictures at the actual party but it was fabulous!
The next weekend we celebrated America's birthday!! Sunday we attended a cookout at Beth and Casey's house. 7 adults and 3.5 kids! Beth and Casey have a 6 month old little girl Molly, Jonathan and Amanda have an almost 2 year old little boy Myers with another little boy due in next month and we of course have Mac! It was a good time and the kids seemed to get along ;)
Molly, Myers & Mac

Here are a few snapshots before we left the house for the cookout.

Yes - my husband has a handle bar mustache.....he shaved his lovely creation for the Peachtree race the next day.

The next morning we got up and ran the Peachtree. This was our third year doing this and although it is HOT and HUMID and I hadn't ran more than 3 miles since giving birth it was a lot of fun! I did not beat my time from last year but I figured 10 weeks postpartum it's an accomplishment just to get out there ;)

A big shout out to Amanda for bringing Mac to race for us!! I mentioned early that she is 8.9 months pregnant AND she has an almost 2 year old but she still managed to get herself and both boys up, dressed, feed and at the race by 840!!! THANK YOU!!!


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