Monday, April 4, 2011

Watch out - I'm back!!!!

FINALLY - our computer is fixed and we are back!! I have so much to blog about so there will be many post over the next few days! Due to our computer shut out I missed blogging about week 34,35and36 of this pregnancy! As far as I can remember they were all great weeks! I'm still feeling really good just getting really EXCITED!! The only thing big to report is our little boy is being stubborn and is still breech!! They did an ultrasound at week 34 and went ahead and scheduled my C-Section for April 21st. Tomorrow I will be 37 weeks (full term....eeek!) and according to my doctor he has a small chance to turn but like they told me at week 28 they didn't think that would happen. So as of right now Mac is scheduled to make his debut in 17 DAYS!! That is unless he decides to come early ;) I will admit at first I was a little upset about the C-Section but I have come to terms with it now....I just want him here and healthy!

Week 34

Week 35 Week 36

I have all sorts of things I need to document but it looks like the weather is getting nasty and it's probably not a good idea to sit on our computer...I wouldn't want to lose it again!


1 comment:

  1. Yay! Not long now!! You'll do fine with a C-section. Mine was not bad!
