Thursday, April 28, 2011

Birth Story

I wanted to make sure I documented Mac's birth story. There really isn't much to my actual birth story, it happened so fast but I would still like to document it! So this is more for me ;)

I was scheduled for a C-Section on Thursday April 21st @ 730am. I decided to take the entire week off work to get a few last minute things done and to just relax before the big day. The pros to having a scheduled C-Section is you know when it's going to happen so no surprises...the cons to having a scheduled C-Section is you know when it's going to happen and you can stress! The closer we got the more nervous I got.

On Monday I got a sudden urge to clean my entire 39 weeks pregnant this took me ALL DAY but I managed to get the whole house cleaned and all the laundry done...I was impressed! I should have known then that something was up. I've always heard that you get a burst of energy right before you go into labor and I was full of energy! Tuesday I got up and went for my morning walk, ran a bunch of errands and then I baked 36 MADE FROM SCRATCH cupcakes. The plan was to take them to the hospital for the nursing staff and visitors. We had our Wednesday all planned out. I had a doctors appointment @10am on Wednesday morning and Grant was going to take a 1/2 day. Our plan was to go have a nice lunch just the two of us before baby Mac arrived. My parents had plans to get into town around 3pm that afternoon and Mom and I were going to get a pedicure. That night Grant's parents, my parents and Grant and I were going to grab dinner. A nice little Wednesday planned little did I know...

I didn't sleep well Tuesday night. I tossed and turned all night and couldn't get comfortable. I woke up around 5am to use the bathroom and then crawled back in bed. I was taking Grant to work so I knew I only had a couple more hours but I could not fall back to sleep. At 6 o'clock I had a horrible cramp, so bad it caused me to sit up in bed. I got out of bed to use the bathroom (again) and realized that I had either peed on myself or I was just really really sweaty. Once I took a step I realized exactly what had water broke! I read somewhere that only 10% of women's waters actually break on their own, I guess my body wanted me to experience one piece of labor ;) I calmly told Grant what had happened, told him to feed the dogs while I hopped in the shower. Once I got out of the shower I called the doctor who told me to get to the hospital in the next couple of hours. We then called our folks and told them, my parents had to drive 2 hours so they left without even packing a bag!!! I finished getting ready while Grant loaded the car. I had him take one last picture of me before we left for the hospital.

Here is the last picture of our little family of two!

We arrived at the hospital around 845. It took us a while to get out of the house! Grant's parents actually beat us to the hospital!! Once we got there I assumed that they would check me in and everyone could come hang out in the room....WRONG. I got there they took me back to my room and told me we would be having this baby within the hour. I will admit I had a mini breakdown. Right after they gave me my IV I started crying. I was scared and nervous that my parents wouldn't make it in time. It was a weird feeling knowing what was about to come!

This was after my mini breakdown ;) Grant thought it would be funny to take this picture with my box of tissues.

Grant all decked out in his scrubs!

Right before they wheeled me back!

They would not let Grant come back with me until I already had my spinal. It wasn't painful but it wasn't pleasant. I was very nervous but everyone was very reassuring. Once I had my spinal I felt a lot of pressure and tugging. I couldn't tell what was happening but about 5 mins later they had Grant come in the room. Once he sat down we really didn't have time to talk b/c the doctor was telling Grant to get the camera ready we were about to meet our son! So all that tugging and pressure was them actually doing the procedure and Grant walked right by it and thankfully didn't look!!!

Welcome to the world Mac!

We were told to take a picture of the clock but we couldn't find Grant used his watch. He was born at 10:19am!

First family picture :)

Okay - this is one long post! Basically we arrived at the hospital at 845am and Mac was born at 1019am. I have a big picture post planned with out any words since that is really the only thing people want to see!!


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